Home Learning

This week has seen Kody working really hard to improve his cursive hand writing script.

And he has also created one of his fabulous artworks…

Hands of Hope by Kody

Mrs Thomas will be impressed!

Fantastic Home Learning

This week, Mrs Wrixon and Miss Hippolite have been blown away by the fantastic images we’ve received. These show a whole range of home learning skills from the children in Freshwater Class.

Be prepared to be astounded…

PLEASE keep them coming!!!

Home Learning at it’s best!

Mrs Wrixon and Miss Hippolite were delighted to receive photographs showing some of the brilliant home learning that Freshwater Class have been doing.

First we have birds and their eggs nesting in Bertie’s very own home-made bird box!

Then Kody’s beautifully colourful Spring picture!

Please keep your photographs coming. We are so proud to see all the different projects you have been working on at home and would love to show them to the rest of Freshwater Class.

Welcome back after Easter!

Morning Freshwater Class and welcome back!

In this week’s assembly, we will be looking at how travel has decreased by approximately 85% around the UK. Before you start you’ll need a pen and a piece of paper and we’ll be discussing whether we think people will travel less in the future.


We know how important this issue is to Year 6, as was shown in the excellent environmental debates held during our very own election at the end of last year.

Rainbows of hope

Good morning from Mrs Wrixon and Miss Hippolite!

We thought that we would talk about the amazing idea – originating from a Facebook group we believe – of children creating rainbow displays to put in the front windows of their homes. Showing that after heavy rain, emerges the most beautiful rainbows.

The pictures are meant to offer messages of hope to people during the coronvirus lockdown. Also, when children have their daily exercise, they could admire other children’s artwork and count the number of rainbows they see.